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Board of Directors Blog Posts

Unlike a CEO who handles the day-today tasks of an…

Unlike a CEO who handles the day-today tasks of an organisation, a board concentrates into consideration the larger picture and is responsible for making decisions at a high level. The board is accountable for hiring and, if required, replacing the chief executive officer and fulfilling the fiduciary duties of that company to its shareholders and stakeholders.

A board that is efficient and engaging will treat staff as equals, not subordinates. The most considerate and respectful board members respect staff and treat them with equal respect, even when the board hitachivantaraforums.com member is not in agreement with the employee’s views. Board members are expected to take action on issues that affect the objectives of an organization, regardless of size.

The precise minutes of meetings are vital to effective board governance. They can help members who aren’t in attendance understand the proceedings of a meeting, and they can help clarify any strategies or metrics that could require monitoring. Boards who make the effort to write concise, clear minutes are better prepared to navigate legal challenges.

To learn more about how to create effective minutes for board meetings take a look at this blog post from SSIR. The blog is a great resource for anyone interested governance of boards and governance, with a concentration on non-profit boards.

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